Shlichus Training
A professional Shlichus Training and advanced Torah Study program.
For Whom The Shlichus Training program is designed for girls who wish to advance their Torah studies in order to progress in their Avodas Hashem, while simultaneously learning how to build and maintain a successful shlichus.
Why No need to learn on the job; be prepared and do it right the first time. It will make a world of a difference.
The Rebbe empowered us with the mission; we set out to fulfill it with pride and enthusiasm. Nonetheless, we must invest in training. Torah and Chassidus provide vision, knowledge, and conviction. Skills ease the journey. |
HowThe Shlichus Training program focuses on personal growth and development as a Chassid, as well as professional training and hands-on experience in all aspects of a shlucha's life.
Learn the ABCs of opening a non-profit and of strategic planning. Discover the secrets to successful marketing, fundraising, and programming. Train to teach and cater to all ages. Whether you will build a new Chabad House, establish a new branch of Chabad on Campus, CTeen, or Friendship Circle, or develop youth and family programs - mastering these skills are building blocks to success. |
Avoda with OthersPractical tools for communal service.