Michlelet Chana
Want to continue learning Chassidus and Niglah in depth? Want to acquire the skills necessary to become an accomplished shlucha?
Looking to gain real life skills? Interested in a vocational training program?
Are you looking forward to the freedom that adulthood brings, but also want to live in a warm, inviting, safe and chassidishe environment within the larger community and continue experiencing the life of fun, adventure and friendship that past schooling has provided?
Then look no further! Michlelet Chana will enable you to not only continue studying but also to receive credits for expanding your knowledge in Nigleh & Chassidus while simultaneously pursuing Vocational Training, along with Leadership and Shlichus Training. We provide room and board, a rich social life, great mentors and role models all under one roof, in an utmost Chassidic environment and in the heart of the Rebbe's shechuna.
Affordable, comfortable living accommodations in the heart of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
A vibrant community of like-minded young women.
Legal student status while in the United States I-20.
3 nutritional meals
Individual schedules to include a part-time working option.
Shabbatons, Yom Tov meals, trips and new friendships.