Personal Growth
- Kodesh learning is a 2 year program offered to young women who would like to develop, further their growth in Torah and pursue a kosher career of their choice.
- During the program the student have the option to take a vocational course per semester.
- There is a minimum of courses to be taken in order to attend Michlelet Chana, receive accreditation, live in the dormitory & procure a student visa ( I-20) if needed.
Spiritual Growth
Academic goals
- Learn and understand maamarim and sichos independently.
- Gain a comprehensive knowledge of the halachos necessary to manage a frum & Chassidishe home.
- Understand when and how to ask a shayla.
- Grasp chassidishe musagim and hashkafos thoroughly.
- Discover the Chassidic approach to various mitzvos.
Texts to be studied
- Torah Ohr/Likkutei Torah
- Maamarim in Derech Mitzvosecha
- Kuntres Ahavas Yisroel
- Klalei Chinuch Vehadracha
- Kuntres Chanoch Lanaar
- Likkutei Sichos, Sefer Hasichos, Toras Menachem, and Sichos Kodesh
- Tanya
- Shulchan Aruch
- Tanach
Modes of learning
Shiurim; chavrusa; workshops , professional development, trips and hands-on experience; farbrengens; interviews; and research projects.
Modes of learning
Shiurim; chavrusa; workshops , professional development, trips and hands-on experience; farbrengens; interviews; and research projects.