Shlichus Training
Avodas HashlichusA curriculum designed to mold a shlucha; to inculcate passion, sensitivity and ahavas yisroel; to impart a sense of mesiras nefesh, responsibility, and vision; to provide basic tools to understand Jews of all backgrounds and support them in every way. Bringing together one's personal avoda with one's communal service.
Shlichus goals:
- Develop a passion for spreading Torah & Yiddishkeit and the motivation to persevere and succeed
- Cultivate a love for every Jew notwithstanding affiliation or social status
- Focus on the meshaleach and adherence to his directives as the key to success
- Learn to prioritize and balance the many facets of the life of a wife, mother and shlucha
- Prepare to open home and heart and to meet the unique needs of each mekurav
- Represent the Rebbe in one's appearance, speech, and deed
- Learn to properly measure one's success